Saturday, October 17, 2009

Karma is a Bitch

So it's 6:30 am today Saturday October 17th, 2009. I am just barely drifting back to sleep, after seeing my husband off to work. When my phone starts to ring. It's Ben's ring so I am thinking to myself how sweet, he's probably calling to either tell me something funny or to have a good day.

NOPE! Instead he's calling to tell me he is standing outside in the freezing cold looking at a vacant spot by the curb where our car was parked the night before. But mysteriously our car is not there, it's just gone.

Right off I am thinking to myself, self, Ben is just kidding. So I kind of brush it off, but then I hear the tone of his voice and realize this is not a joke. Someone stole our car!!!!!

And right after we just put about $1200 into fixing the car, it gets stolen. This one is seriously going to push me over the edge, I don't even know what to do or think at this point. I am trying to stay calm, and not freak out; I did pretty well this morning, perhaps it was because I was still in shock, that something like this could actually be happening to us.

All I know is that I must have been a complete asshole in another life to have Karma come back at me like this!! Or we just have incredibly bad luck!!

1 comment:

nataliegu3 said...

OMG you've got to be kidding! what if you went in labor & didn't really have a way to get there!?!? aahhhhhh, scary.

well, if it's any condolences: my dad got his car stolen a couple months ago & it was returned in fine condition, still gas in the tank, about 9 days later.

and, I think Karma has returned for Ben, not you. :)