Ok so I love reading these little "About Me" posts that people put on their blog. I read Jade's a little while ago and it inspired me to write one too, so here goes:
#1 I love my family so much, extended and all.
#2 I love my husband, what can I say opposites attract.
#3 I am embarrassed to admit it, but I get anxiety so much and sometimes I worry about things or people for months and months, it's definitely not healthy.
#4 When I am sad Roxie will come over and try to cheer me up. Or when I am crying for whatever reason, she will cuddle with me and stay by my side until I let her know I am OK. I love that about her.
#5 I wish I was more intelligent.
#6 I would rather be living in Africa, and building communities for adults and children who have been left to live in Refugee camps, because of the Genocide in Darfur; than have to be stuck in Utah.
#7 I wish that everyone I meet would like me
#8 I have mixed feelings about becoming a parent.
#9 I am not looking forward to being Prego - I get so fat. It's really sad and embarrassing.
#10 I am excited for Duck to become old enough for us to breed her so we can have happy little puppies
#11 I want to move out of Utah.
#12 I love my friends, they keep me sane, without them I would go crazy.
#13 My favorite things to watch on T.V. are: Flight of the Conchords, Arrested Development, HGTV, Sex and the City, MSNBC, CNN, Seinfeld, Scrubs, Family Guy, The Office, Law & Order: SVU, The Hills/The City, The Biggest Loser, and the Travel Channel.
#14 I have made a concious decision to become proactive in doing what I can to help the North Korean refugees escape from North Korea into South Korea.
It is one of my goals to go the North Korean/Chinese border and help with the Underground Railroad there
#15 I am excited for June, because I will be participating in my first Gay Pride Parade (as in I am going to be walking in the parade, fabulous)
#16 I am hopeful that my child, boy or girl, will become an activist and a humanitarian, like me.
#17 I wish that I had better fashion sense. I try and be concious about it, but then my mind starts to think about other things, like, human rights issues, world issues and then fashion becomes one of the last things on my list.
But I would really love to be a fabulous person all the time.
#18 I wish I could see myself the way Ben sees me. He always thinks I am beautiful, even though I am not. He's a good guy.
#19 I have the best Nieces and Nephews in the whole world, not to mention the cutest too.
#20 I miss Kim, Brooke, Kayden, Landon, and Baylee so much. I cry everytime I think about them.
#21 I am seriously bummed that almost all my sisters (w/the exception of Amanda) will NOT be around for my pregnancy, baby shower, and birth. It makes me really sad, to not have them around. It also makes it harder for me to go through this whole thing.
#22 I hate being such a shy person. I wish I was naturally more outgoing.
#23 Closed minded or racist people really annoy me and I don't have a tolerance for them at all.
#24 I try not to take life or myself too seriously. I am not ready to grow up.
#25 My ideal job would be to travel around the world, and help out with Human Rights issues, forever. My heroes, after all, are Mother Teresa and Ghandi.